
Why You Should Update Your Hiring Processes

Many of our clients are starting to replace initial face-to-face interviews with a video interview as the first step.  Why, you might ask?  Below are some reasons video interviewing is growing and why your organization should start using them.


1. Branding

Video interviews can be a great way to brand your company as an innovative place to work.  A company’s brand is important when it comes to talent acquisition, as a poor reputation can cost companies twice the amount to attract top talent.  A candidates’ experience with your interviewing process is an important building block in your reputation. With video, you can give a clearer picture of your company’s values and what life inside the “four walls” looks like.

2. Get access to top talent faster

Talented candidates are in high demand and extremely busy.  If you want to attract them you must build a hiring process that is flexible. One of the best ways to do this is to substitute the first face-to-face interview with a video interview. This approach is far more convenient for candidates, especially if traveling, and allows you to interview them sooner rather than later.  It is easier for busy candidates to carve the time out for a video rather than a face-to-face interview. 

Video interviews also give you the option to have candidates interview with people from multiple facilities.  If an interviewer is unable to attend, you can schedule a follow-up interview between the candidate and them without having the candidate come in again.  Studies show the more steps a company’s hiring process has, the quicker the candidate will get frustrated and either remove themselves from the process or find another role in between. 

3. Cost-savings

It is a no-brainer that video interviews are a cost effective way to interview relocation candidates. Reduction in travel costs is typically the primary reason companies add video interviews to their hiring process.  A video interview before the face-to-face can determine if you and the candidate want to move forward.  If it is determined that a candidate is not a fit at the video stage, then you alleviate the costs of bringing them in.

4. The “Right” Fit

Video interviews can help you determine if a candidate is the right fit for the company.  For example, if the job requires someone to have good presentation skills, a video interview is a great way to test that skillset.  Or, if the company is trying to attract candidates who are ahead of the curve and understand the way business is conducted today, a candidate who hesitates to do a video interview may not be the right fit for the organization.      

Where to start:

First, you’re going to need a webcam, your computer may already have one built in.  If not, you can buy a webcam that is compatible with your computer, or you can simply use your smartphone / tablet.  Next, research the different types of software offered.  There are many options out there, free and paid. 

Here are a few examples of free software:

  • Skype
  • Face Time
  • Go to Meeting
  • Cisco WebEx Meetings

Click here for more complete list.

There are also paid versions that provide more advanced features.  For example, a nice feature that a paid software provides that a free software can’t is the ability to prerecord questions, send them to the candidate, and have them video record their answers on their own time.  HireVue and Montage are some companies that provide these types of features.

Interviewing Tips:

Once you have your software and hardware in place, it’s time to test it out.  If this is your first time hosting a video interview, you may be interested in some suggestions. 


  • Control the noise.  Turn off items like the radio and/or cell phone.  Interview in a room that is quiet, or a room that people do not tend to walk in and out of. 
  • Think about your background – a neutral wall with minimal background elements is best. 
  • Check yourself out on screen – you should be the focus of the video capture – not the plaque on the wall.
  • Create optimal lighting. Turn on lights in the room so you don’t have a floating head or shut blinds to avoid harsh glare and shadows on your face.
  • No eating or chewing gum – and if possible, try to avoid drinking.  If you must take a sip – apologize and sip, then put the drink aside.

Before the Interview:

  • Most importantly, test your equipment well in advance of the actual meeting.  Make sure microphone sound levels are correct and the camera is focused.   If things don’t go smoothly it could reflect poorly on the hiring company.  That being said, technical issues do happen, so it’s a good idea to keep the applicant’s phone number on hand in case you need to contact him or her in the event of technical issues. 
  • Make sure you send the candidate all the details about logging in for the interview ahead of time and distinguish who is going to initiate the call. 
  • Plan your questions ahead of time, just like you would for any other type of interview.
  • Make sure you have the Candidate’s resume and any other documents in front of you or in arms reach.  You want to prevent having to get up during your video interview.
  • Close all other programs not necessary for the call – email, instant messaging, office products such as Word, Excel, and close internet browser windows.  Not only are these potentially a distraction, but it could also affect your connection quality.

During the Interview:

  • Start the conversation.  Treat this interview as you would a typical face-to-face interview.
  • Make sure you are looking at the camera and not at the screen, if you don’t the camera will be focused on the top of your head.
  • Be patient of delays.  If you sense the candidate isn’t answering as quickly as you’d prefer, it may be due to a delay in the video/audio.
  • Remember to smile, it can help put the candidate at ease, especially if this is their first time interviewing via video.
  • Lastly, at the close of the call, let the candidate know next steps – this should be part of your goodbye.

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